Returns a list of apps used in the organization.

This endpoint has two versions: 1.0 and 1.1. The default version is 1.0, specify the version via the "X-API-Version" header.

Filtering is available via the documented query parameters below and by custom application fields.


GET /apps?fields=id,name,myCustomField&state=discovered&myCustomField=true

The above example returns a list of applications that are in discovered state and myCustomField is true. Each application object will contain the id, name and myCustomField fields.

Query params are different per version:

Query paramSupported in versionDescriptionDefault value
fieldsv1.0List of fields to return for each application.
Allowed fields: id, name, primaryOwner, appOwners, state, category, url, imageUrl, description, tags, users, score, isCustom, addedBy, creationTime, isHidden, lastUsageTime, sources, vendor and all fields from /apps/fields
fieldsv1.1List of fields to return for each application.
Allowed fields: id, name, primaryOwner, appOwners, state, category, url, imageUrl, description, tags, users, score, isCustom, addedBy, creationTime, isHidden, lastUsageTime, sources, vendor, expenses, activeContractsTotalValue and all fields from /apps/fields
qv1.0, v1.1The query to search(no value)
sortv1.1 onlySort order(no value)
sizev1.1 onlyNumber of results to return (max: 1000)1000
cursorv1.1 onlycursor for pagination(no value)

  • Rate limit: 200 requests per minute

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