Returns a specific app.

This endpoint has two versions: 1.0 and 1.1. The default version is 1.0 from API keys created before Feb 1st 2025 and 1.1 for keys created after Feb 1st 2025. You can still specify the version via the "X-API-Version" header to override.


GET /apps/1?fields=id,name,myCustomField&state=discovered&myCustomField=true

The above example returns app with id=1. Each application object will contain the id, name and myCustomField fields.

Query params are different per version:

Query paramSupported in versionDescriptionDefault value
fieldsv1.0List of fields to return for each application.
Allowed fields: id, name, primaryOwner, appOwners, state, category, url, imageUrl, description, tags, users, score, isCustom, addedBy, creationTime, isHidden, lastUsageTime, sources, vendor and all fields from /apps/fields
fieldsv1.1List of fields to return for each application.
Allowed fields: id, name, primaryOwner, appOwners, state, category, url, imageUrl, description, tags, users, score, isCustom, addedBy, creationTime, isHidden, lastUsageTime, sources, vendor, expenses, activeContractsTotalValue and all fields from /apps/fields

  • Rate limit: 400 requests per minute

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!