Returns a list of users in the organization. Filtering is available via query parameters.

Current Version: 1.0.1

Enhanced Functionality in Version 1.0.1:

  • Version 1.0.1 introduces additional functionality, including support for “size” and “sort” query parameters.
  • Pagination is now enabled using the “cursor” parameter.
  • Until 24 August, 2024, Please include ‘torii-version: 1.0.1’ in the headers, to use this version.
  • After this date all API calls to this endpoint will use the new version by default.

Deprecation Notice

  • Endpoint sub-version 1.0.0 will be deprecated on 24 August, 2024.
  • Until this date, API requests to this endpoint without the ‘torii-version: 1.0.1’ header will continue to use the previous API version.
  • To ensure a seamless transition, please update your API calls to use the new endpoint version prior to this date.
  • New API keys generated after 23 Jan, 2024 will automatically use the new endpoint version, regarless of header.
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