Application Fields


Also known as “Application Details” in Torii, these are custom fields you can add to extend the information in Torii on each application.

You can add application fields to your plugin using the app section within your manifest file. This is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended to create your fields if you are planning to push data into Torii.

Every time an organization admin installs your plugin, these fields will be automatically created and associated with your plugin.

For more information about what can the plugin consumer do with these details, read this article.

App Schema

At least one field
List of app fields to be created and associated with the plugin. (See the App Fields section below for more details).

App Fields

An array of fields to be displayed within the widget.


keystringA unique key, valid are only English letters (lowercase and uppercase) and numbersmyField
typeThe field’s type.
See the full list of supported types here.
labelThe field’s label (aka display name)My Field

Read how you can use the key to update the field’s value here.