Quickstart - Introduction to Advanced Use Cases

Build apps to support your advanced SaaS ops use cases

In this section, the provided guides will demonstrate examples of advanced use cases that use the Torii API.

You could think of these as IT-built apps that automate operational tasks related to your tech stack using data in Torii. It's helpful to think of Torii as your SaaS System of Record—a single place to store information about your apps, software licenses, and users of apps or licenses. You can build apps using our APIs to pull data that is otherwise inaccessible within the Torii console.

Before building using the APIs, you will first need to create an API key based on the steps in the getting started guide.

In this section, we will focus on making the most of the data within Torii. To do that, we will use data from multiple API endpoints, process that data outside Torii, and write the data back into Torii using the API.

As with custom integrations, any code or example provided in this section will need to be 'run' somewhere. This could be somewhere as simple as within a Google sheet or more advanced implementations such as within an NCAP / LCAP platform such as Workato.